
Choosing breast implant

Choosing breast implant

If you are interested to undergo breast implant surgery, it is necessary that you know the look or the shape of breasts that you want. Aside from talking and discussing your plans with your surgeon, it is important that you understand the process of choosing the most appropriate implant for you.

There are currently four profile levels of implants that manufacturers provide:

  1. Moderate Classic Profile Breast Implants

These implants usually create a natural-looking upper breast appearance because they are much wider and flatter on the sides. They also provide a more gradual downward slope.

  1. Moderate-Plus Profile Breast Implants

By splitting the difference in base width and projection, these implants provide a more natural-looking shape compared to a high-profile implant, but with some fullness on the upper pole of the breast.

  1. High-Profile Breast Implants

These implants have a narrower base width and more outward projection. They create a very full and round look. This will give you less natural but youthful look by providing more upper pole fullness.

  1. Ultra-High Profile Breast Implants

This implant has the narrowest base width and the most projection, giving the look that many women consider “fake.”

Once you have chosen the profile that you want, your surgeon will explain to you the volume and dimension of each category.

Choosing breast implant
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