Avoid phentermine before your surgery
It is important to mention once again that only plastic surgery in combination with a proper diet and exercise routine can help us lose weight and maintain the results for a long time without having to fear the pathological problems that can be triggered by drugs or supplements.
But most of the time we forget that the magic pills that promise instant weight loss have very dangerous side effects, not to mention the fact that the results don’t last long.
If you have been on phentermine while trying to lose weight and now you are preparing for plastic surgery to remove unwanted fat, you should know that you need to stop taking the pills well before your procedure’s scheduled date.
Phentermine can also have multiple side effects that impact your health in a negative way, like tachycardia, arrhythmia, increased arterial tension, palpitations, irascibility, insomnia, loss of sexual drive, headaches, and dizziness, to mention only a few.
Of course, the diet should be personalized and monitored by a professional, but even so, the person might be left with some stubborn fat deposits on the thighs or abdomen that can be removed only with the help of plastic surgery procedures.
AVOID PHENTERMINE BEFORE YOUR SURGERY Some of us are always looking for a miracle pill or formula to help us get rid of the extra kilograms without having to put in any effort.
Sometimes people start phentermine after long periods of dieting without seeing any results because their diet programs were poorly implemented or because they cheated.
In the case of plastic surgery, you also need to consider the anesthesia, as the phentermine can interfere with the effect of the anesthetic.
More than this, a healthy weight loss process will also give us a feeling of well-being due to increased self-confidence and even better relationships with people around us.
You will need to pay special attention to their side effects and read the labels carefully to understand the components of the pills.
For quite some time now, the “fat burners,” as some call them, have been very popular among people fighting excessive weight.
It is one of the most well-known drugs that is administered to reduce appetite and help with weight loss